Amiga Plus Extra 1996 #3
shoot´em up
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Amigaguide Document
226 lines
@DATABASE "EvilInsects Documentation"
@MASTER "Docs.Guide"
## This is the documentation file for EvilInsects in AmigaGuide format.
30-06-1994 Matthijs Hollemans
@NODE Main "EvilInsects Documentation"
...and you thought your mother-in-law was evil...
1994 Fantasy Freaks
Created by Matthijs Hollemans
@{" Storyline " LINK Storyline}
@{" Getting started... " LINK Start}
@{" How to play... " LINK Play}
@{" Legal nonsense " LINK Legal}
@{" Credits " LINK Credits}
@{" Exit " QUIT}
@NODE Storyline "Storyline"
It all happened in the year 1999 when a small Asian country was testing
some nuclear bombs. Because of the strong winds, the nuclear fall-out
was spread over large parts of the world. The effect on human beings was
minimal, but suddenly all insects started to mutate into very BIG insects
and they started to sting everybody and everything they could. All their
victims started to mutate into BIG insects too, and soon the world was
crowded with those EVIL INSECTS.
The government advised everybody to stay inside. The army and navy could
not do much about the insects. Conventional weapons had no use anymore,
nor had nuclear ones. Nothing seemed to be able to destroy the insects.
You happened to be in some library in Greece when all of this was
happening. Because of the danger you were forced to stay inside the
library and you were trying to find a nice book to pass the time. Then
you saw an old book about the ancient Greece. As you flicked through the
pages you discovered that in those old days the people from Greece had the
same problem, only what made them so evil then was the spell of an
evil magician.
The book said that to destroy those insects a temple was built. The
ceiling of this temple was made out of magic stones. If such a magic stone
would fall on an insect, the insect would be destroyed. The book also
contained a secret map to the temple and a description of how to build a
device to lure the insects to the temple.
Armed with your self-made gun, the map and the device you try to find your
way to the temple. As you arrive there, you turn on the device and you
wait for the insects to appear. Your task to clear the world of these EVIL
INSECTS begins...NOW!
@{" Return " LINK Main}
@NODE Start "Getting started..."
NOTE: This game will only run on AGA-machines, such as the A1200, A4000
and CD
The game automatically boots if you insert the disk in the drive and reset
the machine, but you probably already know that. The game will also run
from Workbench, but you'll have to load from your Workbench disks first,
or from your harddisk.
To run EVIL INSECTS from the shell, you must first make the drawer in
which EVIL INSECTS is located the current directory. So if EVIL INSECTS is
in the drawer DH0:Games/ you have to do the following:
1> cd DH0:Games/
1> EvilInsects
Harddisk Installation
I have not included a harddisk installation script or program.
To install EVIL INSECTS on harddisk use a program similar to DirectoryOpus
DiskMaster, MultiTool or use the Shell.
* Make a new drawer on your harddisk (called EvilDudes or something).
* Be sure to copy these files to that drawer:
EvilInsects (The game)
Docs (Documentation)
Docs.Guide (AmigaGuide documentation)
Source.Asc (Blitz2 source code)
GFX1 (Data files)
* Also copy "C/PPmore" to your C: directory if it's not already there.
* Also copy the EvilInsects font files to your FONTS: directory.
(Fonts/EvilInsects, Fonts/EvilInsects/8, Fonts/EvilInsects.Font)
* If it's not already present, then also copy Diskfont.Library to LIBS:
@{" Return " LINK Main}
@NODE Play "How to play..."
The objective of the game (as you may have understood from the storyline)
is to kill insects. To do this you have a gun, but with this gun you can't
kill those insects directly. You'll have to shoot at the ceiling, from
which a magic stone will fall. This magic stone is able to kill an insect.
When you fire your gun, the main character will aim at the ceiling with an
angle of about 45 degrees. This means that you cannot aim yourself. The
following figure will show you what happpens when you shoot.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ceiling
. .
. .
. .
You O/ .
| o Stone
********************************* Floor
It's kinda hard to explain but it works very fine, just check out the game
and you'll soon be familiar with the principle.
You control the main character with the joystick in port 1, this is the
port next to the one you usually plug the mouse into.
You can move the joystick LEFT and RIGHT to run. To shoot, press FIRE.
You can only shoot when there is no magic stone on the screen. This means
that if you just fired your gun, you'll have to wait until the magic stone
disappeares from the screen.
Not always will a stone fall from the ceiling, only if the main character
aimed at the ceiling.
~~XX~~~~~~~~~~~ Ceiling
Pillar XX
XX. In this situation, no stone will fall.
XX \O You
XX |
*************** Floor
You will always fire in the direction you last moved in.
You cannot be hit by a magic stone that falls from the ceiling.
In every level there are insects making the place somewhat dangerous. They
will drop projectiles. When these projectiles hit you, you lose a life.
Each of these projectiles will have its own randomly determined speed, so
watch out. In the later levels, the insects will move faster and drop more
When one of your magic stones hits an enemy, the enemy dies. You will be
awarded some points depending on what the enemy looked like.
Sometimes a dead insect drops a power-up. These can be :
* Extra Life -> you are allowed to die once more (WHITE)
* Extra Speed -> you can run faster (GREEN)
* Extra Stone Speed -> your stones will fall faster (BLUE)
Each power-up is also worth some points.
This game consists of 50 levels. If you complete them all, you are one
serious motha. But I doubt it, because even I have not completed them all
without cheating...
Each time you happen to die, you will lose a life (how obvious), but you
will also lose some extra speed you had and also some extra stone speed
you had.
When the game is over or you have completed the game, and your score is
quite good, you will be given a place in the highscore-table. To end the
entry of your name, press RETURN or FIRE.
During the game you can use the following keys:
ESC -> return to intro
P -> pause game, press P again to unpause
Pressing ESC during the intro will quit the game and return to Workbench.
@{" Return " LINK Main}
@NODE Legal "Legal nonsense"
Get this straight: I'm not responsible for anything that might happen to
you or to your computer as a result of playing this game. I am saying this
because some of my beta-testers tried to put me behind bars because they
had mutated into green insects after playing a test-version. I hope I have
fixed this bug in the current version, but I'm not sure.
This product is HAIRWARE. This means that if you like it, you'll have to
send me a wig, because the number of hairs on my head has recently been
reduced to an unacceptable level. I prefere dark colours.
Alternatively, you could send me some stuff you did yourself or something,
I don't really care what it is, as long as it doesn't completely wipe out
my harddisk. Postcards are fine too. A safe of which you lost the key will
do as well, or even your Cindy Crawford-look-a-like sister.
As far as I know all stuff on this disk I didn't create myself (the sound
samples) are Public Domain, at least that's where I got them from.
Correct me if I'm wrong please.
You may use the sound samples, the source and the font in your own
creations. You may NOT use the graphics and the music module. (Neh Neh)
It's fine with me if you want to release another version of EVIL INSECTS
based on the source of this one, but please don't call it EVIL INSECTS,
call it something else. It's also fine with me if you use parts of the
source for your own games or something.
@{" Return " LINK Main}
@NODE Credits "Credits (very very important)"
OK, this game was completely written in BLITZ 2 from ACID Software.
using an A1200 with a 130 MB Harddisk.
The graphics were all made with DPAINTIV AGA from Electronic Arts, except
for the font which was made with FED from a Workbench 1.3 Extras disk.
The EvilInsects icon was created with DPAINTIV and converted with John
Scheibs IconMaster program.
The music was made with ProTracker 3.10B and converted to MED format using
The samples were edited with SuperSoundIV from David O'Reilly.
The disk was put together with DirectoryOpus4 from InovaTronics.
The documents and scripts were created with GoldED from Dietmar Eilert.
I probably used some other programs but I'm not going to name them,
because I can't remember which ones I used.
EVIL INSECTS was coded in 1 week with another week for the graphics. I
did not have much to do anyway, although I should actually be on the look-
out for a holiday-job. I still have to go to school next year, you know.
It would be nice to have some money then.
Anyway, I would really like to thank my dad, Ies, because he bought most
of the stuff listed up there, and much more. Without his money and strange
interrests, I would have never had this passion for computers. Thanks dad!
I'd like to say hi to all of my friends, especially the two other Fantasy
Freaks, Paul and Arnold, Guido for dropping by half an hour ago and
testing the game, Frank (someday you're gonna play together with Steven
Tyler...), Ren
(my 'big' brother), my mum and all the rest of you guys.
If you've got something nice to say or to give away, contact me at:
Matthijs Hollemans
Van Vlaanderenstraat 8
4791 EP Klundert
The Netherlands
Tel: (INT CODE+) 01682-4367
@{" Return " LINK Main}